- Q: Is the shipping really FREE?
- A: Yes, all the products in Cool Toys Club catalog are free shipping, with no minimum purchase, using standard delivery. Item(s) will be shipped within 1-4 business days once full payment is received.
- Q: How can I track orders?
- A: When we ship the order, you can see tracking number in your account's order, and track it's route on 17track ( Pls choose the logistics company ) .SFexpress's route need to be checked from it's official website.
- Q: What are your payment options?
- A: At this time, we only support PayPal. To protect your interests, your payment will be temporarily held by PayPal, and will not be released to us until you are satisfied with the purchase.
- Q: Can the product be shipped with original box?
- A: Cool Toys Club's products are all shipped with original box.
- Q: How will you address product quality or missing part issues?
- A: If you find some parts missed or damaged (due to shipping or manufacturing issues), do not worry and please contact us and we can resend them to you immediately for FREE. pls see after sales service.
- Q: How will I deal with customs duty?
- A: We typically use logisitcs has a great advantage in managing customs clearance, and it normally results no additional customs duty. If payment for customs clearance needed it will need to addressed by the customer.
If you have any other unlisted questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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